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Enrico Benetta

Enrico Benetta 4

Graduated in 2001 in decoration from the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and began his artistic journey through contemporary art. The work of Benetta is characterized by a language that moves on different stylistic registers, admirably rendered by the strong personality of the artist, full of desire to communicate, in which cultural sources distant to each other blend together.

Trademark of his works, whether paintings or installations, is the typeface per excellence, Bodoni, which became the artist’s signature style, the basis for the creation of an original and random visual storyline. His first solo Incanto in 2007 following the installation Sit Up Biennale of Venice in 2009 and a personal exhibition with Galleria Russo: Levitas. Pittura nella poesia, performance and exhibition at the Roman Gallery and Verba manent scripta volant at the Milan Gallery (both 2010), Lettere diAmanti also in Milan (2011) and Lettere, Alfabeti, Grafie, curated by Beatrice Buscaroli at the Angelica Gallery of the Angelica Library accompanied by a fascinating performance with music and dance in the salone vanvitelliano.

In 2011 he participated in the 54th Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte Biennale di Venezia, Padiglione Italia, ten selected artists from Fondazione Roma (Rome, Palazzo Venezia). In 2013 participated in Five Colours at Art Basel at Boutique V°73 in Miami. In 2015, in collaboration with the Biennale of Venice, he produces a new series of works for the exhibition curated by Chiara Casarin at the Venice Projects Fenice Gallery. In 2016 he participates in the exhibition Dall'oggi al domani. 24 ore nell'arte contemporanea curated by A. Sbrilli and M. G. Tolomeo, in the space of the MACRO - Museum of Contemporary Art Rome. He lives and works in Montebelluna.
